Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hannah is 2 months!

Our first 2 months with Hannah has been quite a bit different than with Avery.
Avery was a very laid-back, easy going, mostly happy infant....slept often, cried rarely...made Kurt & I think we were amazing parents:) So, we figured we wouldn't be quite so lucky with a "2nd".

And we were right.

Hannah was diagnosed with Colic in her first few weeks as a result of her frequent crying (and she's loud!) & upset tummy. Poor girl, it's so hard knowing that she's in pain and there's nothing Kurt or I can do to help her. Doctors tell us she will likely improve drastically by 3 months, and we're living daily with that hope - for her sake way more than ours!

But when this girl is happy, she's as sweet as she can be. And I sure do cherish every little moment with her.


Shannon K. said...

Oh I hope she starts feeling better soon! You're post could have been written by me 2 years ago. Katie was so easy...Ryan was so NOT! Something to look into which I didn't know was an option when Ryan was going through all this was Probiotic drops for infants. Ryan started feeling better when I gave him probiotic cereal but that wasn't until 7/8 months when I found it. My Sister In Law is looking into them with her 1.5 month old. Hang in there, she's beautiful!